Tangem Hardware Wallets
Tangem are credit card sized hardware wallets with NFC chips that work with mobile devices. These devices support Koinos mainnet as of Aug 14 2024. In addition, they also support the ERC-20 wrapped KOIN from the Chainge bridge on Ethereum.
Adding wallets that were generated with the same seed
For those wanting to migrate Kondor (or other) wallets to Tangem, you can setup for Tangem wallet using your existing 12 word seed phrase.
However, once you do that, it is not immediately clear how to access your other addresses. By default, Tangem only shows you one address per token.
To get your other addresses, you can add them as custom tokens.
1. In the Tangem app, select, "Manage tokens".
2. A list of all the supported tokens will appear, instead of selecting any of them, click the '+' in the top right to add a custom token.
3. You have two drop downs. For "Network" select "Koinos".
4. For "BIP44 coin type" select "Custom derivation". This will have you manually input a key path for the new address.
5. In Kondor, right click and select, "Options".
6. On the Kondor settings page, under "Wallet" enter your password and click "View Seed And Private Keys". This will show you all of the private keys for your Kondor wallet. Along with them, it will also show the key path for each address. It will look something like: "m/44'/659'/0'/0/0
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